Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow Days

The snow has come! More like a snow storm has come!

We now have about 7 inches of snow here in West Virginia. 

It is still coming down, and has not stopped since 1am last night. They suspect now that we will have around 11 or 12 inches. I'm not sure that I have saw this much snow in my adult hood here in our area of WV.

After a big breakfast, we ventured out. The boys LOVED it, and so did I. 

Brothers are so fun. 

I walked out to our barn this morning to see if the chickens would want to come out. 


They wouldn't even step out and see what that white stuff was.

Hope your staying warm!


Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

Your boys are having such fun! your home is lovely in the snow. I'm so ready for spring, how about you Stacy?

4sonsfarmhouse said...

Thank you Teresa. Yes, I am ready for the snow but the boys sure love the snow.