Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just a few things...

I am so thankful that this boy is on Thanksgiving break from his preschool. Just three mornings a week is still a lot of work and the fact that we don't have to get out early is great for us all. 

This cowboy was found in mommy's bathroom one afternoon with makeup as his beard. Ahh gosh gotta love him. How could you even raise your voice at him for getting your make up all over your bathroom floor and even on the walls. It was just too cute! Then he went for his daddy's deodorant to make him "smell like a boy". HA! I guess he had to even up the fact that he was wearing make up. 

Last week we drove to the Ohio River where Kevin is a boat pilot. He was working and the boys had been really missing him after those long 12 hour days. So we got to the boat ramps and he was near. We got to watch him drive and deliver a barge nearby then he came back to talk to us for a bit. The boys thought this was the best day EVER! 

There he is with his barge up front. 

Ok, now I remember I already wrote about this! ha, sorry guys!

We had two birthday parties last weekend. Karson's two friends from preschool. He had the best time on Friday night with Ezra because Kipton didn't go. (his words not mine) I thought it would be best for this certain one that he got to go with just me and enjoy his time away from little brother. He had the BEST time!

Our mall has a train and has for a year or so, but we've only ridden one other time. We were out shopping last weekend and the boys asked to ride it. We had the best time! Karson was trying not to smile but he was soo happy.

One of my favorite things EVER is that Karson loves to draw, color, and now write. I get notes everyday and I make such a big deal out of them! He had really boosted his cofidence in the last year and helped him WANT to write his letters and make and spell words. This said Karson Mom and PP I asked what the PP was and he said Pepper. (for salt and pepper) 

We have been at home for the past 2 days getting ready for Thanksgiving at our house. Can't wait!

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