Sunday, August 12, 2012

Karson - 3.5 years

Well I thought I would take this time to catch up on what Karson has been up to at 3.5 years old!

He is so fun and full of life!

One of his favorite things to do is "ride". He likes to ride anything from his big boy bike, scooter, tricycle, our 4-wheeler, my parents Ranger (below)

We will take short rides over to mom and dads and we also take them on big rides. We have been on an hour long ride before and never heard a peep from either boy. It is so nice to ride and look around in the country.
We were going to pick blackberries on this day on a trail behind our house.

Karson also enjoys playing board games. I have been picking up some games here and there at Target and Walmart. This game is "HI HO CHERRY O". I knew he would like it and I played this game with my Kindergarten class during "math centers" while student teaching and they really enjoyed it. It is good for color recognition, counting, and using small manipulatives.
I also taught the boys "thumbs up and thumbs down" last week. They are ALL over it and love to give them to each other and to Kevin and I. Karson will even say "Kippy gets a thumbs down for his dinner plate". This is because Kipton is on a food strike and we are begging him to eat. HAHA

Karson still loves BATH time and him and Kip take a bath together every night. They like bubbles and the colors to change the water. They also have lots of toys in there that keep them in the bath for about 20 minutes most nights.

Karson had a blanket from the time he was born until a few months ago. It was a soft blanket that he called his "MIMI". We had to have it whereever we went. I decided to take it away a few months ago because it was so worn out and he was starting to chew on it during the night.

We were at JoAnn's last week with mom and she bought him new material to make a new big boy MIMI. Of course Karson is LOVING it. This picture is before church and he wanted to take it in the car with him until he got there. He knows he must leave it in the car.

Karson is a GREAT big brother. He has never been jealous of Kipton since he was born.
He loves to help me in order to get "stickers" on his sticker chart. That leads to him getting in the treasure box and he loves this reward system.

Of course Karson LOVES his daddy. They are twins in every way.

Karson is a lover of the outdoors and "critters" as he calls them. He loves to find random animals around our house. Turtles, frogs, lizards, and I am waiting for the day when he picks up a snake and says "look Mommy" because he totally would.

Here Karson is holding a baby lizard. There were about 30 lizard eggs in my mulch and a few weeks later they were all over our front porch. Some have went away but about 5 have stayed. It is actually pretty good entertainment for the boys.
Note: After this picture Karson was letting the lizard crawl up his arms and putting him on his back. YUCK!! I was so nervous and scared.

Karson is such a healthy child. He hasn't been sick for over a year. I almost WANT him to get sick here and there to build up his immune system before he goes to school.(knock on wood) Last week he got a fever for 1 day and then it went away. It was super strange to see him just lay on the couch because he is such a busy boy. But I got lots of hugs and snuggles.

Karson LOVES his brother! They have the best time together. Last night during story time he told him that his best friend was Kippy :) I think that was the happiest I've ever felt from them both.

We have been going through our toys to get out the baby toys. Karson was willing and happy to give his old baby toys away to a "new baby" (church)

We are so thankful for a happy energetic loving boy.

He will be starting 3 yr old pre-school in 2 weeks. It was a very hard decision because I said he would not go until he was 4 but it is just 2 days a week for 2 hours so I think it will be good for him to get out and get around other kids other than Kipton. Especially because of where we live in the country now and there are not many kids to play with. I think he will end up loving it but he is not a morning person so we are starting now to get ready!

We love you Karson!!

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