Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Interview with Karson (32 months)

I did this same interview with Karson a few months ago. I wanted to ask him the questions again to see how his answers would differ. Karson is a TALKER. He talks from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed. He is constantly asking me questions or telling me things. If he is quiet, he is getting into trouble or sleepy. Other than that he is talking. Some people ask if Kipton is talking because they don't hear him much. I said yes but he has no time to talk because his brother is constantly talking and won't let him get a word in.

What is your name: Karson

How old are you: Free

What is your favorite color: Orange

Who is your best friend: Drew (neighbor boy)

What is your favorite animal: Horsie

Where do you want to work when you grow up: On the new house

What is your favorite movie? Toy Story

What is your favorite cartoon: Woody

What makes you happy: Mommy :)

Where is your favorite place: TO MUSIC CLASSS

Who is your best friend: Mommy

What is your favorite food to eat: Orange

Who's your friend at church: The monster coming
What are your favorite shoes: My crocs

Who do you love? Mommy

What do you want for Christmas? A bicycle
Karson is so sweet and loving. He is always sharing food with people which I think is super sweet of a 2 year old. He has learned so much from having a little brother. He has a gentle spirit. I am so happy to have him in my life. He is always saying something funny and keeping us laughing. I love watching him grow.

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