Last Tuesday morning I hosted our Mother's Club Valentine's party.
Going to the aquarium the whole day before didn't make it real easy on me :)
But we made it, and I got all the treats ready the night before and we had a great time.
Keeping everything red and pink was fun. I'm used to all boy things in the house.
While I was getting the boys dressed before everyone started arriving, Karson said he didn't want to wear a "stinky ole heart shirt". So as a 3.5 year old he already has his opinion in what he wears. He agreed to wear a red shirt, but it is not what I had in mind. However, it works :)
We had a great time just chatting and letting the kids play. It's always so fun for the kids to play at other kids houses. New toys always keeps them quite busy. My boys however did have a hard time with 15 toddlers in the house. I think it was a little "overload" if you will. Kipton was more upset than Karson. He cried a few times and said Mommy they are taking my toys. My boys do really good sharing with others, but I have learned they are not quite "there" when sharing with lots of other kids. We will get there! :)
After about 2 hours everyone was beginning to take off. We decided to get just one group picture to prove that we had a great party and our kids are cute as ever :)
Again, I am so thankful for this group. Last May when I joined I had no clue how much void it would fill as a stay at home mom to me. It gives us something to look forward to, and has given the boys and I many new friendships.
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