This was our first year to offically buy Valentine's for my boys to give out.
Karson's preschool sent home a note saying they could send Valentine's and a little treat for their friends at school. They have 31 kids in the 3 year old class. That is alot! Karson picked Power Rangers (which he doesn't even watch on TV) and we got to work taping suckers on each card.
He did every single one by himself. He said "This takes time Mommy"
"Don't rush Mommy"
One thing that they are really working on in preschool is not rushing. Taking their time.
That is great news to this momma!
He is really enjoying his two mornings a week going to the church for preschool. He has met lots of great friends, teachers, as well as "buddies" he calls his closest guy friends.
Kipton had to pick out some Valentine's at the store too. He choose Mickey and we gave a few of his out to the kids we see at preschool that are his age. Everyone is happy about heart shaped suckers!
The next morning Karson was ready to go. He has never been this excited to get to school as he was on Valentine's Day. We bought each of his teachers (there are 10) a box of candy. He also picked a special treat for his favorite teacher "Ms. Rachel". He LOVES her so much!
I had to keep telling him it wasn't time to leave yet. He put his shoes on as soon as we got dressed because he wanted to leave so bad.
Look at that face!
This mister was finishing his breakfast while Karson was rushing us out the door.
He eats sooooo slow, but I'm happy he takes his time.
Before we left I snapped a picture of Kipton. Everytime I say Kipton smile he says
SMILE and then his mouth is open instead of smiling. HAHA! :) He is so silly and says the funniest things. I can't believe how much he is talking just like Karson. He has been such an easy toddler.
And just for fun I'll add the picture Karson took of me. He said Mommy let me take your picture in front of that Valentine's heart. I think he told me Happy Valentine's Day over 50 times that day.
I am thankful for my 3 Valentine's
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