Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Spending Time

We didn't do a vacation this year. I knew pregnancy and Kevin's schedule was too much to juggle around a vacation. So we took a few small "fun trips" together to make memories.

One was riding on a little river boat. We had a great time together and learned a lot. 

Before the boat departed we had dinner. I think we had the only kids on the boat. Many people used this time to have a date and many stared as if we were crazy for bringing kids. But our boys are good. They know how to act in public so it was no big deal to bring them. We were thrilled to share it together.

Kevin taught us all something about driving the boats. 


My boys are still talking about the trip. They really enjoyed it!

Image Map

1 comment:

Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

Hello Stacy, How are you feeling? Thinking of you today.
Take care.