Saturday, December 13, 2014

Our Baptism Testimony

Well, it's been an amazing December so far. Last Sunday we had an amazing day of baptism. Here is our story. 
Our oldest son is 5 years old. His name is Karson. He is currently in an Elementary age Sunday School class at our church. He LOVES this class. Like, cant wait until the next time LOVES. He just moved into this elementary class in August when he started Kindergarten. Prior to this class he was with me where I teach the 3 and 4 year old class at our church. This new class he moved up to is just loaded with fun and amazing opportunities for kids his age to be filled to the brim with God's love.
For a few weeks now he has been asking about having Jesus in his heart. We have talked about it during our bible readings at night, as well as when we listen to Christian music in the car. He has been full of questions, and I have tried to answer every question the best I can. Sometimes we don't have all the answers, but I have had many nights I have been researching for him. 
Then two weeks ago he mentioned being baptized, I mentioned we must pray first. I gave it more time not thinking he was really ready. He is only 5 I kept telling myself. 
Then last week he came to my room one evening and said he was ready to say the prayer to be saved. WOW! It caught me off guard. I was thrilled, and beyond ready to pray that prayer with him. 
We prayed together in my bedroom. I will never forget it. 
He soon mentioned he wanted to be baptized. No questions asked, no hesitant in his voice. 
The next Wednesday night we talked to our preacher, and he agreed hearing Karson's story that he was ready. 
Then comes the fun part. 
I was saved in high school, but was never baptized. I have no reason really as to why I wasn't, I think nerves got me. Everytime I watch people being baptized I felt I needed to be doing it also. Just never did. 
I went to Kevin one night, and said You know we can't let him do this, when we haven't. He immediately looked at me, and said I have been thinking the same thing!!
So we were all set to be baptized together. 
We all were baptized on Sunday: December 7th, 2014. Kevin went first, then me, and finally Karson. He did it with no hesitant at all. Freezing cold water and all, LOVED every second. Came out of that water just beaming with a smile.

My heart is happy!!

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1 comment:

Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

Stacy How wonderful to see this..what wonderful news! Praise the LORD!