Friday, June 22, 2012

Show us your LIfe - Dining Rooms

Today on Kelly's Korner she is featuring Show us your Dining Rooms. When decided on our house plan to build our house I choose one with out a formal dining room.

We had one at our last house, but just really felt like it wasn't necessary and wanted to save our square footage for bigger kitchen/living room and bedrooms. So we just have our kitchen/dining room table in our big kitchen area. We love it!!

A little table in that space where the kitchen table is.

I am really happy with our decision to just stay with the kitchen table in the kitchen area and not have a formal dining room. I am hoping to soon paint our kitchen and living room.

I have been trying to help our family out in the "trying to save money on pictures" department. So I pulled out my big Canon yesterday and took the boys to a barn nearby and tried to get some pictures for the 4th of July! One of my favorite holidays.

I LOVE this one of Kipton. It looks like an old timey picture. I will get some more up soon.

Happy Weekend!!

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