Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 2 - Comment Challenege

The main reason I started blogging was because I just had our 2nd son and I was NOT good about finding the time to write in their baby books. I am a slow writer, but a fast typer. So I thought this would be a great way to document the things that the boys do and their developments/milestones.

I started blogging in May 2011. So just a little over a year. I terribly want to purchase a blog book but they are about $75.00 so I think I will hold off on those for a while. I would LOVE to do 1 book per year of blogs.

I normally am a pretty boring blogger. Just the everyday things that the boys and I do. The mom's group that we are in, and things at church, and the family events that we do. I am not a great cook, nor a great photographer but I try at both.

I have a passion for decorating my home in country/primitive decor and would like to do some DIY crafts from Pinterest and blog about those. However, in the day to day life of having 2 boys 16 months apart I am just trying to make it day to day and have 3 meals, a semi clean house, and everyone fed bathed and have some kind of fun/educational learning each day.

Another passion I have is teaching my children. With a degree in education it is kind of embedded into your thinking when you have studied it for 5 years in college. So I would love to start doing activities that I have stored up and blog about those, but again time is not on my side.

Hopefully, I will change up my blog someday, but for now it's just a memory book :)

Happy Tuesday

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