We had a very low-key Memorial Day weekend. Kevin was working all weekend from 7am-7pm so it was just me and the boys. Of course we made it fun even though we missed daddy.
We had lots of watermelon...
And taught Kipton how to crank the car up and push the button..
And went to church where I had to finish up my last week this month of teaching Karon's 3/4 year old Sunday School class...
Kipton still goes to the nursery, which is a good thing. I think Karson needs a little time with older kids his age without his brother tagging along.
I remember this stage with Karson as well. Kipton WILL NOT smile for pictures! He always looks so sad, but that is not how he is at home. He is Mr. Jokester and funny guy.
This particular Sunday we had 15 3 year olds in our class. I was pretty darn tired when naptime came around, especially because after church we had to go to the grocery store and you know how that is with two small kids.
We also spent a lot of time in my mom's pool. Karson is really enjoying the pool this year. He can put his vest on and swim by himself and he thinks that is just the coolest. Kipton is not much of a fan of the big pool. He likes to jump off from the ladder into the pool to someone. After about 15 minutes he is done. I can remember that Karson was the exact same way at this age.
22 months is a hard age! Almost to the terrible twos but not yet. Kipton wants to do EVERYTHING that his big brother is doing, which can really cause a problem most of the time.
Kipton and Papaw Brad
Big boy swimmer!
I'm sure Kipton is telling me something here but I can't remember what. These boys talk ALL...DAY..LONG.
There is more pictures to add to this post, but both boys are up from nap now. Time to get to work! :)
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