Let's talk feeding our families!
One of the biggest tasks as a wife and mother is shopping, saving, managing, and cooking the food that our family eats.
As homemakers we are always crunching numbers, changing meal plans, shopping ads, etc. Many of us living on one income, MUST do this to stick to the budget. It's part of homemaking.
“Through wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.“
I have learned much in the last 10 years of marriage. I certainly don't shop and cook for just my taste. Or just what I feel like buying and fixing. I have to think about all five people in our home.
Here are some ideas for Managing the Kitchen:
#1. I ALWAYS make a list before going to the store. I break it down into categories. Dinner menu, lunch ideas, non grocery, and snacks. Sometimes I will even make a list for a certain person. (Baby: cherrios - Daddy: chocolate cookies)
#2. I ONLY go to the store on Fridays. I used to be one of those bounce around throughout the week shoppers. I realized I was spending alot of money. If I stick to one certain day of the week, then I really try to make every bit of the food last until that particular day. It's like a game. I enjoy it!
#3. I go to the SAME store each time. As I'm thinking and writing this through, wow I am a creature of habit. I love routine. My same store, every Friday.
My husband even jokes that I park in the same parking spot. Haha! (It's true)
We have an Aldi here in WV. It's my favorite for many reasons.
#4. Bring Cash - Especially if you are needing to stick to a specific money amount, cash will help You! You will double think that candy you don't need, or that pop.
#5. Keep your menu plan handy even after your home. I hang mine up on the side of the fridge so I remember what I am supposed to cook each night. As mom's we tend to forget :) I want to know exactly what my day brings and know I have all of the ingredients for that meal.
#6. Start prepping EARLY. Right after lunch, I start prepping for dinner.
#6. Start prepping EARLY. Right after lunch, I start prepping for dinner.
#7. Clean up as you cook. It will leave a smaller mess for you after the meal is done.
#8. Cleanup Chores - We designate one of our children a night to help mom clean up the kitchen. I keep a list on the fridge so everyone knows whos night it is. They clear the table, bring all dirty dishes to the sink, take out trash, and sweep under table. Chores for the children are always a good thing!
I hope some of these ideas will help you better prepare you to feed your family.
It is such a blessing to have people to serve the ones you love most.
Keep coming back to Country Charm for more parts added to our Managing the Home Series.
Blessings to you!
Keep coming back to Country Charm for more parts added to our Managing the Home Series.
Blessings to you!
Great post, It is a blessings to have people to serve the ones you love. Blessings!!
Wonderful suggestions! It is such a blessing to serve our families. I will be following your series!
What a terrific series! Thank you so much for putting it together... I also have an Aldi's but I tend to shop the sales locally :) looking forward to more...
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