Sunday, August 7, 2016

Modest Outfit

I have never posted about outfits or style.  It's somewhat awkward to me to take pictures of myself :) but I thought I would step out of my comfort zone and share some outfits each week on the blog. 

I love to wear knee length or longer skirts. Not only are they comfortable to me, but pleasing to The Lord. I have had a strong conviction towards this for many years. 

Top: Thrifted from Goodwill
Skirt: Walmart 
Shoes: TJ Max - 6 years old or more
Earrings: Target 

My mom is awesome at finding good clothes at the thrift store. She got this top for .99 cents at our local thrift store. 

What is your modest style like? I would love it if you would share your modest outfits and share the link up! 

Hope you have a blessed week!


Unknown said...

What a deal! Love this outfit on you.

Heidigirl said...

love your outfit! i have the same modesty convictions and have 6 daughters to raise ;) love being encouraged and inspired!! my blog is I love to share outfit posts!

Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

Lovely, I love modesty! I have been wearing skirts for forty years. My daughters and granddaughters do the same. Glad you step out!