Friday, May 27, 2016

Kase is 7 months

Oh Kase, how did you turn 7 months so quickly? Time is flying by!!
We are so happy to have you in our lives. 

You sit up so well now. You are rarely upset and just enjoy watching the boys. You are very content with your toys. 

Your brothers love you very much! Sometimes they even fight over you. 

We have started to teach you the word NO. Like chewing on the remote. You were told NO and this is what you did :)

You are a HUGE eater! I am sure you will be like Karson. You live to eat. 

You had your first popscicle this month and your first swim in the pool. 

We are heading out for camping and you will just tag along. We are so excited you are with us. 

I have caught up with your baby book!! But still haven't taken your 7 month picture. I am always behind it seems. 

We love you so much Kase Garrett!

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