He plays Angry Birds on our phones and it used to be VERY much attached to it, asking for it multiple times a day. Since the party the game has kind of died down because he got a Leap Pad and he would rather play with that.
Karson loved this baseball inflatable. I think we may have a t-ball player on our hands.
Kipton has a GREAT time just following Karson around. He tried everything that his big brother was trying. They both love each other so much!!!
Kipton enjoying his cup cake!!
Karson opening his new dumptruck toys!
Some friends of ours. Karson LOVES Pup!
Karson had 14 people there from our family so it wasn't a huge party, but just enough. Both of his grandparents were there, mommy/daddy, and a few friends of ours. We had a great time!
Fun Fun Fun!!
Still loving the baseball game.
Karson had a GREAT time!! He played, opened gifts, blew out his big 3 candle, and played some more. He wasn't really into opening his presents because he wanted to jump so much! It was really cute watching him and Kipton enjoy the jumpy place together.
Kevin had talked me into wearing an Angry Birds shirt. Karson LOVED it that all of us were wearing the shirts to match him. It was cute!
I can't believe my big boy is 3 years old. He has been a COMPLETLEY different child here in the past 2 weeks. In a good way :) I love him so much!
Nice Bare Bum
I would like two kiss and lick his Bare Bum
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