Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Old Fashion Cooking. i

This past weekend we continued our 3rd year of apple butter making the old fashion way. Just a family tradition in the side yard of my parents home. 

The night before (Friday) we gather to peel the apples. 

Many hands make light work.

Saturday morning the fire is started around 6am. The apples begin to enter the cooper pot around 8:30am. 

We also made chili to eat for lunch while taking turns stirring. 

We stirred until 5 that night. The kids had a bake sale by the road just for fun. The adults took turns stirring and watching the little ones.

A fun Saturday together. 


  1. Hi!
    We don't make apple butter here in Portugal, but it sounds delicious! And a lot of work, but when everybody helps, it's easier!

  2. I love, love, love your copper pot! Isn't the smell of warmed Apple heavenly? What a fun day.

  3. I love this! I love the old ways of life...so much. I need to find a stand and a pot.
    That look like so much fun!

  4. This is amazing! Thanks for sharing, I'm a sucker for all those old fashion skills and when they become treasured family traditions it makes it all the more better. :)

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